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Fun Stuff

Photo Essay: Flora at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

Fun Facts: The Brooklyn Botanic Gardens offer free admission every Saturday between 10 and 12.


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Visiting the Cloisters

One Saturday morning, I woke up early and decided to spend the day venturing out into the city, further beyond than I’d ever traveled before. So two trains and an hour and a half ride later, I was at 190th street in Inwood (The Bronx).


Fort Tryon Park surrounds The Cloisters, a Medieval style castle that pieces together “ecclesiastical and secular spaces arranged in chronological order.” The motif itself is very religious, so be prepared to see relics, paintings, and sculptures dedicated to worship. However, there are secular aspects, such as the beautifully embroidered tapestry with images of a group of men and dogs attacking a…unicorn. The word cloisters itself means enclosure and it’s meant to represent the closed off lifestyle of worshiping monks. Other than religious motifs, there are beautiful courtyards and gardens, all which evoke a sense of peace, serenity, and unity with nature. Enjoying a lunch among the old stone courtyard almost makes you forget that you’re really just minutes away from one of the busiest cities in the world.

You can view a short documentary about the history of the Cloisters here

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Photo Manhattan Course: Week 2

Blogged while listening to the best Whitney Houston

This week we were asked to go somewhere we’ve never been before. The Brooklyn Heights Promenade has one of the best views of the city. I’ve been there before, but my hubby hadn’t. We took the opportunity to go and gloomy weather didn’t stop us from getting some amazing shots. I was encouraged to explore outside of close-ups and though I didn’t stay away 100%, I think I did pretty well. The last two shots were mostly us playing around with the shutter speed of the camera.


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Photo Manhattan Course

Blogged while watching my hubby plan Hitman.

Photo Course

We are only learning how to configure the ISO, Aperture, and Shutter speed within a camera.

Assignment: choose one subject to focus on. Take 5 photos on the automatic setting and 5 photos in manual (using the information you learned in the course). My focus was close-ups (since those are important in blog photography).

Location: Floyd Bennett Field, Marine Park Salt Marsh (Both in Brooklyn)

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Subscription Review: YouTube Red

I recently signed up for YouTube Red and with all the subscription services out there, you may wonder if YouTube is one you should.
(Please note this opinion was in no way influenced and/or paid for by YouTube)

New Year’s Resolution 2017


Blogged while contemplating the future

2017 will be the first year when my New Year’s resolution actually has nothing to do with weight loss. I guess after you’ve reached a certain age, you start to accept yourself for the way you are or take active steps to change the things you don’t like. This year, I want to do something I’ve never even attempted to do before: watch every single Oscar nominated film.

The Academy Awards ceremony is without a doubt the most glamorous night in Hollywood. I watch the event every year and it’s the only Hollywood awards ceremony that I make sure to always catch. I appreciate the classiness of the event. Though there were years when I’ve watched some of the films, there’s never been a time when I’ve seen all of them. Until 2017.

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Election 2016

Blogged on a stalled subway
I have had some time to calm down since the results of the 2016 presidential election. I admit that I was livid and this rage lasted from when I first heard the news the morning of November 9th until about last week. There are many things I can say that would showcase my opinion about our President-Elect, but instead, upon reflecting I came to realize one extremely important thing: President Obama has left us with a legacy of demanding change.
The public is getting educated and as the saying goes “knowledge is power.”

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Photo Collection: Autumn in New York

2016 Book Challenge


I love to read, but my dilemma is finding books interesting enough to pull me in. My moods differ and I can start off enthusiastic but lose steam halfway through. I realize that I don’t care about the characters and throw the book off to the side.

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