
Blogged while contemplating the future

2017 will be the first year when my New Year’s resolution actually has nothing to do with weight loss. I guess after you’ve reached a certain age, you start to accept yourself for the way you are or take active steps to change the things you don’t like. This year, I want to do something I’ve never even attempted to do before: watch every single Oscar nominated film.

The Academy Awards ceremony is without a doubt the most glamorous night in Hollywood. I watch the event every year and it’s the only Hollywood awards ceremony that I make sure to always catch. I appreciate the classiness of the event. Though there were years when I’ve watched some of the films, there’s never been a time when I’ve seen all of them. Until 2017.

What’s the best way to ensure you’re more likely to keep your resolutions? Come up with a plan and stick to it!

Though the Oscar nominees haven’t yet been announced, there are tons of sites that have predictions for films most likely to be nominated. The films all usually have certain things in common: they are artsy, deep, and character driven (versus genre films). I am starting with the recommendations I found on Watchmojo.com (one of my new favorite YouTube channels). This video on WatchMojo is what gave me the idea for this.

I have a little over two months until February 26, 2017 and thanks to Netflix now allowing you to download films for offline viewing, I’ll have more opportunities to do this while in transit.

My Plan:

Step 1: Best Picture
Step 2: Documentaries
Step 3: Foreign films
Spep 4: Animated films

Wish me luck!